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  • Shirzadi M, Marateb HR, Rojas M, Mansourian M, Botter A, Vieira Dos Anjos F, Martins Vieira T and Mañanas MA.

    A real-time and convex model for the estimation of muscle force from surface electromyographic signals in the upper and lower limbs.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 14: 1098225-1098225. Nº de cites: 2


  • Rojas M, Serna LY, Jordanic M, Marateb HR, Merletti R and Mañanas MA.

    High-density surface electromyography signals during isometric contractions of elbow muscles of healthy humans.

    Scientific Data . 7(1): 397-397. Nº de cites: 13


  • Kisiel-Sajewicz K, Marusiak J, Rojas M, Janecki D, Chomiak S, Kaminski L, Mencel J, Mañanas MA, Jaskólski A and Jaskólska A.

    High-density surface electromyography maps after computer-aided training in individual with congenital transverse deficiency: a case study.

    BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS . 21(1): 682-682. Nº de cites: 2


  • Rojas M, Alonso-Lopez JF, Jordanic M, Mañanas MA and Chaler J.

    Analysis of Muscle Load-Sharing in Patients With Lateral Epicondylitis During Endurance Isokinetic Contractions Using Non-linear Prediction.

    FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY . 10: 1185-1185. Nº de cites: 4


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA, Alonso-Lopez JF and Marateb HR.

    A Novel Spatial Feature for the Identification of Motor Tasks Using High-Density Electromyography.

    SENSORS . 17(7): . Nº de cites: 17


  • Reza-Marateb H, Farahi M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Farina D.

    Detection of Multiple Innervation Zones from Multi-Channel Surface EMG Recordings with Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio Using Graph-Cut Segmentation

    PLoS One . 11(12): . Nº de cites: 15


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Alonso JF.

    Prediction of isometric motor tasks and effort levels based on high-density EMG in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury

    JOURNAL OF NEURAL ENGINEERING . 13(4): 46002-46002. Nº de cites: 14


  • Mañanas MA, Rojas M and Alonso JF.

    Towards the application of HD-EMG decomposition in clinical practice

    CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY . 127(6): 2532-2533. Nº de cites: 6


  • Jordanic M, Rojas M, Mañanas MA and Alonso JF.

    Spatial distribution of HD-EMG improves identification of task and force in patients with incomplete spinal cord injury



  • Alonso JF, Romero-Lafuente S, Mañanas MA, Rojas M, Riba J and Barbanoj MJ.

    Evaluation of multiple comparison correction procedures in drug assessment studies using LORETA maps.

    MED BIOL ENG COMPUT . 53(10): 1011-1023. Nº de cites: 10
