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  • Quintana I, Felipe A, Remesar X and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Carrier-mediated uptake of L-(+)-lactate in plasma membrane vesicles from rat liver.

    FEBS LETTERS . 235(1-2): 224-228. Nº de cites: 28


  • Issad T, Coupé C, Pastor-Anglada M, Ferré P and Girard J.

    Development of insulin-sensitivity at weaning in the rat. Role of the nutritional transition.

    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL . 251(3): 685-690. Nº de cites: 52


  • Pastor-Anglada M, Champigny O, Ferré P, Remesar X and Girard J.

    Alanine turnover rate and its hepatic metabolism are increased in midpregnant rat.

    Biology Of The Neonate . 54(3): 126-132. Nº de cites: 7


  • Casado J, Remesar X and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Hepatic uptake of amino acids in late-pregnant rats. Effect of food deprivation.

    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL . 248(1): 117-122. Nº de cites: 21


  • Casado J, Pastor-Anglada M and Remesar X.

    Hepatic uptake of amino acids at mid-lactation in the rat.

    BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL . 245(1): 297-300. Nº de cites: 33


  • Casado J, Remesar X and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Hepatic uptake of gluconeogenic substrates in late-pregnant and mid-lactating rats.

    BIOSCIENCE REP . 7(7): 587-592. Nº de cites: 12


  • Pastor-Anglada M, Remesar X and Bourdel G.

    Alanine uptake by liver at midpregnancy in rats.

    American Journal Of Physiology . 252(3 Pt 1): . Nº de cites: 49


  • Remesar X, López-Tejero D and Pastor-Anglada M.

    Some aspects of amino acid metabolism in the rat fetus.

    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology . 88(3): 719-725. Nº de cites: 8


  • López-Tejero D, Pastor-Anglada M and Remesar X.

    Sulphur amino acid levels in some tissues of the rat during pregnancy and lactation.

    ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM . 31(1): 47-54. Nº de cites: 5


  • Pastor-Anglada M, López-Tejero D and Remesar X.

    Variations in free amino acids in tissues of rats from birth to puberty.

    ANNALS OF NUTRITION AND METABOLISM . 31(4): 211-218. Nº de cites: 8
