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  • Berrueco R, Antón A, Rives-Solà S, Català-Temprano A, Toll T, Ruiz-Llobet A, Camós-Guijosa M, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Estella J and Munoz-Almagro C.

    Multiplex real-time PCR for prompt diagnosis of an outbreak of human parainfluenza 3 virus in children with acute leukemia

    Infection . 41(6): 1171-1175. Nº de cites: 7


  • Moscardó Guilleme C, Fernández Delgado R, Sevilla Navarro J, Astigarraga Aguirre I, Rives-Solà S, Sánchez de Toledo Codina J, Fuster Soler JL, Parra Ramirez L, Molina Garicaño J, González Martínez B and Madero López L.

    Actualización del tratamiento con L-asparraginasa en Pediatría.

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 79(5): .


  • Berrueco R, Rives-Solà S, Justicia A, Català-Temprano A, Ruiz-Llobet A, Toll T and Estella J.

    Successful port-a-cath salvage using linezolid in children with acute leukemia

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 60(9): 103-105. Nº de cites: 4


  • Berrueco R, Rives-Solà S, Català-Temprano A, Toll T, Gene-Giralt A, Ruiz-Llobet A, Badosa R, Claramonte MA, Estella J and Urrea M.

    Prospective Surveillance Study of Blood Stream Infections Associated With Central Venous Access Devices (Port-type) in Children With Acute Leukemia: An Intervention Program

    JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY . 35(5): 194-199. Nº de cites: 21


  • Salazar J, Altés A, del Río E, Estella J, Rives-Solà S, Tasso M, Navajas A, Molina J, Villa M, Vivanco JL, Torrent M, Baiget M and Badell I.

    Methotrexate consolidation treatment according to pharmacogenetics of MTHFR ameliorates event-free survival in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

    PHARMACOGENOMICS JOURNAL . 12(5): 379-385. Nº de cites: 46


  • Carrillo J, Martínez P, Solera J, Moratilla C, González A, Manguán-García C, Aymerich M, Canal L, Del Campo M, Dapena JL, Escoda L, García-Sagredo JM, Martín-Sala S, Rives-Solà S, Sevilla J, Sastre L and Perona R.

    High resolution melting analysis for the identification of novel mutations in DKC1 and TERT genes in patients with dyskeratosis congenita

    BLOOD CELLS MOLECULES AND DISEASES . 49(3-4): 140-146. Nº de cites: 22


  • Garcia-Puig M, Fons-Estupina MC, Rives-Solà S, Berrueco-Moreno R, Cruz-Martínez O and Campistol-Plana J.

    Neurotoxicity due to methotrexate in paediatric patients. Description of the clinical symptoms and neuroimaging findings

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 54(12): 712-718. Nº de cites: 9


  • Rives-Solà S, Estella J, Camós-Guijosa M, García-Miguel P, Verdeguer A, Couselo JM, Tasso M, Molina J, Gómez P, Fernández-Delgado R, Navajas A and Badell I.

    T-cell pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: analysis of survival and; prognostic factors in 4 consecutive protocols of the Spanish cooperative; study group SHOP

    MEDICINA CLINICA . 139(4): 141-149. Nº de cites: 7


  • Rives-Solà S, Estella J, Gómez P, López-Duarte M, de Miguel PG, Verdeguer A, Moreno MJ, Vivanco JL, Couselo JM, Fernández-Delgado R, Maldonado M, Tasso M, López-Ibor B, Lendinez F, López-Almaraz R, Uriz J, Melo M, Fernández-Teijeiro A, Rodríguez I and Badell I.

    Intermediate dose of imatinib in combination with chemotherapy followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation improves early outcome in paediatric Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL): results of the Spanish Cooperative Group SHOP studies ALL-94, ALL-99 and ALL-2005

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY . 154(5): 600-611. Nº de cites: 51


  • Launes-Montana C, Rives-Solà S, Català A, Berrueco R, Toll T, Camós-Guijosa M, Munoz-Almagro C, García-García JJ and Estella J.

    Pandemic influenza A (2009 H1N1) in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

    BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY . 149(6): 874-878. Nº de cites: 26
