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  • Leo E, Belli F, Andreola S, Baldini MT, Gallino GF, Giovanazzi R, Mascheroni L, Patuzzo R, Vitellaro M, Lavarino C and Bufalino R.

    Total rectal resection, mesorectum excision, and coloendoanal anastomosis: a therapeutic option for the treatment of low rectal cancer.

    ANN SURG ONCOL . 3(4): 336-343. Nº de cites: 15


  • Andreola S, Leo E, Belli F, Bufalino R, Tomasic G, Lavarino C, Baldini MT and Meroni E.

    Manual dissection of adenocarcinoma of the lower third of the rectum specimens for detection of lymph node metastases smaller than 5 mm.

    CANCER . 77(4): 607-612. Nº de cites: 67


  • Righetti SC, Della Torre G, Pilotti S, Ménard S, Ottone F, Colnaghi MI, Pierotti MA, Lavarino C, Cornarotti M, Oriana S, Böhm S, Bresciani GL, Spatti G and Zunino F.

    A comparative study of p53 gene mutations, protein accumulation, and response to cisplatin-based chemotherapy in advanced ovarian carcinoma.

    CANCER RESEARCH . 56(4): 689-693. Nº de cites: 270