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  • Sánchez-Espino LF, Ivars M, Prat-Torres CS, Lavarino C, Gene-Olaciregui N, Rovira-Zurriaga C, Celis-Passini V, Miguel Bejarano Serrano and Baselga E.

    Single dominant lesion in capillary malformation-arteriovenous malformation (CM-AVM) RASA1 syndrome



  • Salmerón-Villalobos J, Castrejon-de-Anta N, Guerra-Garcia P, Ramis-Zaldivar JE, López-Guerra M, Mato S, Colomer D, Diaz Crespo FJ, Menarguez J, Garrido-Pontnou M, Andres M, Garcia-Fernandez E, Llavador M, Frigola G, Garcia N, Gonzalez-Farre B, Martin-Guerrero I, Garrido-Colino C, Astigarraga I, Fernandez A, Verdu-Amorós J, Gonzalez Muñiz S, González-Martínez B, Celis-Passini V, Campo E, Balagué O and Salaverria I.

    Decoding the molecular heterogeneity of pediatric monomorphic post-solid organ transplant lymphoproliferative disorders

    Blood . 142(5): 434-445. Nº de cites: 4


  • Salmerón-Villalobos J, Ramis-Zaldivar JE, Balagué O, Verdú-Amorós J, Celis-Passini V, Sábado C, Garrido M, Mato S, Uriz J, Ortega MJ, Gutierrez-Camino A, Sinnett D, Illarregi U, Carron M, Regueiro A, Galera A, Gonzalez-Farré B, Campo E, Garcia N, Colomer D, Astigarraga I, Andrés M, Llavador M, Martin-Guerrero I and Salaverria I.

    Diverse mutations and structural variations contribute to Notch signaling deregulation in paediatric T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 69(11): . Nº de cites: 6


  • Kobialka P, Sabata H, Vilalta O, Gouveia L, Angulo-Urarte A, Muixí L, Zanoncello J, Muñoz-Aznar O, Gene-Olaciregui N, Fanlo L, Esteve-Codina A, Lavarino C, Javierre BM, Celis-Passini V, Rovira-Zurriaga C, López-Fernández S, Baselga E, Mora J, Castillo SD and Graupera M.

    The onset of PI3K-related vascular malformations occurs during angiogenesis and is prevented by the AKT inhibitor miransertib

    EMBO Molecular Medicine . 14(7): . Nº de cites: 25


  • Viñas-Giménez L, Rincón R, Colobran R, de la Cruz X, Celis-Passini V, Dapena JL, Alsina L, Sayós J and Martínez-Gallo M.

    Case Report: Characterizing the Role of the STXBP2-R190C Monoallelic Mutation Found in a Patient With Hemophagocytic Syndrome and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

    FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY . 12: 723836-723836. Nº de cites: 3


  • Castillo H, Pascual-Pastó G, Pérez-Jaume S, Resa-Parés C, Vilà-Ubach M, Monterrubio C, Jimenez-Cabaco A, Baulenas-Farrés M, Muñoz-Aznar O, Salvador-Marcos N, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Balaguer-Lluna L, Burgeño-Sandoval V, Vicario FJ, Manzanares-Quintela A, Castañeda-Heredia A, Santa-María López V, Cruz-Martínez O, Celis-Passini V, Morales-La Madrid A, Garraus-Oneca M, Gorostegui M, Vancells M, Carrasco-Torrents R, Krauel L, Torner-Rubies F, Suñol M, Lavarino C, Mora J and Carcaboso AM.

    Prognostic value of patient-derived xenograft engraftment in pediatric sarcomas

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY CLINICAL RESEARCH . 7(4): 338-349. Nº de cites: 14


  • Carrere X, Pinto N, Gene-Olaciregui N, Galluzzo L, Rossetti E, Celis-Passini V, Salvador-Marcos N, Chantada G, Braier J, Lavarino C and Felizzia G.

    High prevalence of BRAF(V600E) in patients with cholestasis, sclerosing cholangitis or liver fibrosis secondary to Langerhans cell histiocytosis

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 68(7): 29115. Nº de cites: 2


  • Rössler J, Baselga E, Davila V, Celis-Passini V, Diociaiuti A, El Hachem M, Mestre S, Haeberli D, Prokop A, Hanke C, Loichinger W, Quéré I, Baumgartner I, Niemeyer CM and Kapp FG.

    Severe adverse events during sirolimus "off-label" therapy for vascular anomalies

    PEDIATRIC BLOOD & CANCER . 68(8): . Nº de cites: 25


  • Cruz-Martínez O, Caloretti V, Salvador-Hernandez H, Celis-Passini V, Santa-María López V, Morales-La Madrid A, Suñol M, Puerta P, Muchart-Lopez J, Krauel L and Lavarino C.

    Synchronous choroid plexus papilloma and Wilms tumor in a girl, disclosing a Li-Fraumeni syndrome



  • Ramis-Zaldivar JE, Gonzalez-Farre B, Balagué O, Celis-Passini V, Nadeu F, Salmeron-Villalobos J, Andres M, Martin-Guerrero I, Garrido-Pontnou M, Gaafar A, Suñol M, Barcena C, Garcia-Bragado F, Andión M, Azorín D, Astigarraga I, Sagaseta de Ilurdoz M, Sábado C, Gallego S, Verdu-Amorós J, Fernandez-Delgado R, Perez V, Tapia G, Mozos A, Torrent M, Solano-Páez P, Rivas-Delgado A, Dlouhy I, Clot G, Enjuanes A, López-Guillermo A, Galera PK, Oberley MJ, Maguire A, Ramsower C, Rimsza LM, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Jaffe ES, ELENA CAMPO and Salaverria I.

    Distinct molecular profile of IRF4-rearranged large B-cell lymphoma

    Blood . 135(4): 274-286. Nº de cites: 83
