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  • Darling A, Tello C, Martí MJ, Garrido C, Aguilera-Albesa S, Tomás Vila M, Gastón I, Madruga M, González Gutiérrez L, Ramos Lizana J, Pujol M, Gavilán Iglesias T, Tustin K, Lin JP, Zorzi G, Nardocci N, Martorell-Sampol L, Lorenzo Sanz G, Gutiérrez F, García PJ, Vela L, Hernández Lahoz C, Ortigoza-Escobar JD, Marti-Sanchez L, Moreira F, Coelho M, Correia Guedes L, Castro Caldas A, Ferreira J, Pires P, Costa C, Rego P, Magalhães M, Stamelou M, Cuadras-Palleja D, Rodríguez-Blazquez C, Martínez-Martín P, Lupo V, Stefanis L, Pons R, Espinós C, Temudo T and Pérez-Dueñas B.

    Clinical rating scale for pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration: A pilot study.

    MOVEMENT DISORDERS . 32(11): 1620-1630. Nº de cites: 15


  • Darling A, Poo P, Pérez-Dueñas B and Campistol-Plana J.

    Medication-related oculogyric crises: a description of four cases and a review of the literature

    REVISTA DE NEUROLOGIA . 56(3): 152-156. Nº de cites: 1


  • Darling A, Jaimovich R, Romero C, Meli F and Schteinschnai A.

    Hemiespasmo facial de causa neurovascular

    Revista Neurología Infantil Argentina . 2(3): .