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  • Cortés Alvarez N, Martín-Mateos MA, Plaza-Martín AM, Giner MT, Piquer-Gibert M and Sierra Martínez JI.

    Risk factors of developing asthma in children with recurrent wheezing in the first three years of life

    ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 35(6): 228-231. Nº de cites: 3


  • Piquer-Gibert M, Plaza-Martín AM, Martorell-Aragonés A, Ferré-Ybarz L, Echeverría-Zudaire L, Boné-Calvo J and Nevot-Falcó S.

    Recommendations for administering the triple viral vaccine and antiinfluenza vaccine in patients with egg allergy

    ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 35(5): 209-212. Nº de cites: 6


  • Martín-Mateos MA, Garriga-Badia M, Plaza-Martín AM, Giner MT and Piquer-Gibert M.

    Influence of respiratory syncitial virus in the immunological development of children from 0 to 2 years of age

    World Allergy Organization Journal . : 1-1.


  • Plaza-Martín AM, Jiménez-Feijoo R, Andaluz C, Giner MT, Martín-Mateos MA, Piquer-Gibert M and Sierra Martínez JI.

    Polysensitization to aeroallergens and food in eosinophilic esophagitis in a pediatric population

    ALLERGOLOGIA ET IMMUNOPATHOLOGIA . 35(1): 35-37. Nº de cites: 36


  • Claret-Teruel G, Giner MT, Plaza-Martín AM, Martín-Mateos MA, Piquer-Gibert M and Sierra Martínez JI.

    Variability of immunodeficiency associated with ataxia telangiectasia and clinical evolution in 12 affected patients

    PEDIATRIC ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY . 16(7): 615-618. Nº de cites: 12


  • Piquer-Gibert M, SORAYA ARTIGS RODRÍGUEZ and Palomeque A.

    Lesions traumàtiques de columna cervical

    Pediatría Catalana . 61: 93-98.