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  • Tucker ER, Jiménez I, Chen L, Bellini A, Gorrini C, Calton E, Gao Q, Che H, Poon E, Jamin Y, Martins Da Costa B, Barker K, Shrestha S, Hutchinson JC, Dhariwal S, Goodman A, Del Nery E, Gestraud P, Bhalshankar J, Iddir Y, Saberi-Ansari E, Saint-Charles A, Geoerger B, Marques Da Costa ME, Pierre-Eugene C, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Decaudin D, Némati F, Carcaboso AM, Surdez D, Delattre O, George SL, Chesler L, Tweddle DA and Schleiermacher G.

    Combination Therapies Targeting ALK-aberrant Neuroblastoma in Preclinical Models

    CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH . 29(7): 1317-1331. Nº de cites: 11


  • Pascual-Pastó G, Resa-Parés C, Castillo H, Aschero MR, Baulenas-Farrés M, Vilà-Ubach M, Burgeño-Sandoval V, Balaguer-Lluna L, Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Gene-Olaciregui N, Martinez N, Pérez-Jaume S, de Alava, E, Tirado, OM, Lavarino C, Mora J and Carcaboso AM.

    Low Bcl-2 is a robust biomarker of sensitivity to nab-paclitaxel in Ewing sarcoma

    BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY . 208: 115408-115408. Nº de cites: 6


  • Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Burgeño-Sandoval V, Balaguer-Lluna L, Aschero MR, Castillo H, Liu, J, Pérez-Jaume S, Pascual-Pastó G, Gene-Olaciregui N, Gomez-Gonzalez S, Correa, G, Suñol M, Schaiquevich, P, Radvanyi, F, Lavarino C, Mora J, Català-Mora J, Chantada G and Carcaboso AM.

    Follow-up of intraocular retinoblastoma through the quantitative analysis of conserved nuclear DNA sequences in aqueous humor from patients

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY CLINICAL RESEARCH . 9(1): 32-43. Nº de cites: 3


  • Bouchoucha, Y, Matet, A, Berger, A, Carcaboso AM, Gerrish, A, Moll, A, Jenkinson, H, Ketteler, P, Dorsmank, JC, Chantada G, Beck-Popovic, M, Munier, F, Aerts, I, Doz, F and Golmard, L.

    Retinoblastoma: From genes to patient care

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . 66(1): 104674-104674. Nº de cites: 8


  • Petrilli LL, Fuoco C, Palma A, Pasquini L, Pericoli G, Grabovska Y, Mackay A, Rossi S, Carcaboso AM, Carai A, Mastronuzzi A, Jones C, Cesareni G, Locatelli F and Vinci M.

    Inter and intra-tumor heterogeneity of paediatric type diffuse high-grade gliomas revealed by single-cell mass cytometry

    Frontiers in oncology . 12: 1016343-1016343. Nº de cites: 5


  • Panditharatna E, G Marques J, Wang T, Trissal MC, Liu I, Jiang L, Beck A, Groves A, Dharia NV, Li D, Hoffman SE, Kugener G, Shaw ML, Mire HM, Hack OA, Dempster JM, Lareau C, Dai L, Sigua LH, Quezada MA, Stanton AJ, Wyatt M, Kalani Z, Goodale A, Vazquez F, Piccioni F, Doench JG, Root DE, Anastas JN, Jones KL, Saur Conway A, Stopka S, Regan MS, Liang Y, Seo HS, Song K, Bashyal P, Jerome WP, Mathewson ND, Dhe-Paganon S, Suva ML, Carcaboso AM, Lavarino C, Mora J, Nguyen QD, Ligon KL, Shi Y, Agnihotri S, Agar NYR, Stegmaier K, Stiles CD, Monje M, Golub TR, Qi J and Filbin MG.

    BAF Complex Maintains Glioma Stem Cells in Pediatric H3K27M Glioma

    CANCER DISCOVERY . 12(12): 2880-2905. Nº de cites: 23


  • Haase S, Banerjee K, Mujeeb AA, Hartlage CS, Nunez FM, Nuñez FJ, Alghamri MS, Kadiyala P, Carney S, Barissi M, Taher AW, Brumley EK, Thompson S, Dreyer JT, Alindogan CT, Garcia-Fabiani MB, Comba A, Venneti S, Ravikumar V, Koschmann C, Carcaboso AM, Vinci M, Rao A, Yu JS, Lowenstein PR and Castro MG.

    H3.3-G34 mutations impair DNA repair and promote cGAS/STING-mediated immune responses in pediatric high-grade glioma models

    JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION . 132(22): . Nº de cites: 33


  • Galardi, A, Stathopoulos, C, Colletti, M, Lavarello, C, Russo, I, Cozza, R, Romanzo, A, Carcaboso AM, Locatelli, F, Petretto, A, Munier, FL and Di Giannatale, A.

    Proteomics of Aqueous Humor as a Source of Disease Biomarkers in Retinoblastoma



  • Cuadrado-Vilanova M, Liu J, Paco-Mercader S, Aschero MR, Burgeño-Sandoval V, Sirab N, Pascual-Pastó G, Correa G, Balaguer-Lluna L, Castillo H, Pérez-Jaume S, Muñoz-Aznar O, Roldan-Molina M, Suñol M, Schaiquevich P, Aerts I, Doz F, Cassoux N, Lubieniecki F, Benitez-Ribas D, Lavarino C, Mora J, Chantada G, Català-Mora J, Radvanyi F and Carcaboso AM.

    Identification of immunosuppressive factors in retinoblastoma cell secretomes and aqueous humor from patients

    JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY . 257(3): 327-339. Nº de cites: 6


  • García-Gerique L, Garcia-López M, Garrido- García A, Gómez-González S, Torrebadell-Burriel M, Prada-Varela E, Pascual-Pastó G, Muñoz-Aznar O, Pérez-Jaume S, Lemos I, Salvador-Marcos N, Vilà-Ubach M, Doncel-Requena A, Suñol M, Carcaboso AM, Mora J and Lavarino C.

    MIF/CXCR4 signaling axis contributes to survival, invasion, and drug resistance of metastatic neuroblastoma cells in the bone marrow microenvironment

    BMC Cancer . 22(1): 669-669. Nº de cites: 8
