Buscador de publicacions


  • Domingo-Almenara X, Brezmes J, Vinaixa M, Samino S, Ramirez N, Ramon-Krauel M, Lerin C, Díaz-Silva M, Ibañez-Toda L, Correig X, Perera A and Yanes O.

    eRah: A Computational Tool Integrating Spectral Deconvolution and Alignment with Quantification and Identification of Metabolites in GC/MS-Based Metabolomics

    ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY . 88(19): 9821-9829. Nº de cites: 97


  • Vizioso M, Puig M, Carmona F, Maqueda M, Gómez A, Labernardie N, Gabasa M, Mendizuri S, Ikemori R, Trepat X, Moran S, Vidal E, Reguart N, Perera A, Esteller M and Alcaraz J.

    DNA methylation profiling unveils TGF-ß hyperresponse in tumor associated fibroblasts from lung cancer patients

    CANCER RESEARCH . 76(s14): 2764-2764.

  • Domingo-Almenara X, Perera A, Ramírez N and Brezmes J.

    Automated resolution of chromatographic signals by independent component analysis-orthogonal signal deconvolution in comprehensive gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based metabolomics



  • Ziyatdinov A, Brunel H, Martinez-Perez A, Buil A, Perera A and Soria JM.

    Solarius: an R interface to SOLAR for variance component analysis in pedigrees

    Bioinformatics . 32(12): 1901-1902. Nº de cites: 18


  • Jaramillo-Garzón J, Castellanos C and Perera A.

    Applicability of semi-supervised learning assumptions for gene ontology terms prediction

    Revista Facultad De Ingenieria-Universidad De Antioquia . 79: 19-32.

  • Vázquez-Fresno R, Llorach R, Perera A, Mandal R, Feliz M, Tinahones FJ, Wishart DS and Andres-Lacueva C.

    Clinical phenotype clustering in cardiovascular risk patients for the identification of responsive metabotypes after red wine polyphenol intake

    JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY . 28: 114-120. Nº de cites: 54


  • Vizoso M, Puig M, Carmona FJ, Maqueda M, Velásquez A, Gómez A, Labernadie A, Lugo R, Gabasa M, Rigat-Brugarolas LG, Trepat X, Ramírez J, Moran S, Vidal E, Reguart N, Perera A, Esteller M and Alcaraz J.

    Aberrant DNA methylation in non-small cell lung cancer-associated fibroblasts

    Carcinogenesis . 36(12): 1453-1463. Nº de cites: 92


  • Maynou-Fernández J, Pairó E, Marco S and Perera A.

    Sequence information gain based motif analysis

    Bmc Bioinformatics . 16: 377-377. Nº de cites: 2


  • Domingo-Almenara X, Perera A, Ramírez N, Cañellas N, Correig X and Brezmes J.

    Compound identification in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry-based metabolomics by blind source separation

    JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A . 1409: 226-233. Nº de cites: 21


  • Ziyatdinov A, Fonollosa J, Fernández L, Gutiérrez-Gálvez A, Marco S and Perera A.

    Data set from gas sensor array under flow modulation.

    Data in brief . 3: 131-136. Nº de cites: 2
