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  • Zhang-James Y, Fernandez-Castillo N, Hess JL, Malki K, Glatt SJ, Cormand B and Faraone SV.

    An integrated analysis of genes and functional pathways for aggression in human and rodent models.

    MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY . 24(11): 1655-1667. Nº de cites: 50


  • Pineda L, Shivalikanjli A, Cabana-Domínguez J, Demontis D, Rajagopal VM, Børglum AD, Faraone SV, Cormand B and Fernandez-Castillo N.

    Exploring genetic variation that influences brain methylation in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

    TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY . 9(1): 242-242. Nº de cites: 20


  • Torrico B, Shaw AD, Mosca R, Vivó-Luque N, Hervás A, Fernandez-Castillo N, Aloy P, Bayés M, Fullerton JM, Cormand B and Toma C.

    Truncating variant burden in high-functioning autism and pleiotropic effects of LRP1 across psychiatric phenotypes.

    JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY & NEUROSCIENCE . 44(5): 350-359. Nº de cites: 17


  • Cabana-Domínguez J, Shivalikanjli A, Fernandez-Castillo N and Cormand B.

    Genome-wide association meta-analysis of cocaine dependence: Shared genetics with comorbid conditions



  • Chelban V, Wilson MP, Warman Chardon J, Vandrovcova J, Zanetti MN, Zamba-Papanicolaou E, Efthymiou S, Pope S, Conte MR, Abis G, Liu YT, Tribollet E, Haridy NA, Botía JA, Ryten M, Nicolaou P, Minaidou A, Christodoulou K, Kernohan KD, Eaton A, Osmond M, Ito Y, Bourque P, Jepson JEC, Bello O, Bremner F, Cordivari C, Reilly MM, Foiani M, Heslegrave A, Zetterberg H, Heales SJR, Wood NW, Rothman JE, Boycott KM, Mills PB, Clayton PT, Houlden H and Care4Rare Canada Consortium and the SYNaPS Study Group.

    PDXK mutations cause polyneuropathy responsive to pyridoxal 5'-phosphate supplementation.

    ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY . 86(2): 225-240. Nº de cites: 63


  • Salpietro V, Malintan NT, Llano-Rivas I, Spaeth CG, Efthymiou S, Striano P, Vandrovcova J, Cutrupi MC, Chimenz R, David E, Di Rosa G, Marce-Grau A, Raspall-Chaure M, Martin-Hernandez E, Zara F, Minetti C, Deciphering Developmental Disorders Study, SYNAPS Study Group, Bello OD, De Zorzi R, Fortuna S, Dauber A, Alkhawaja M, Sultan T, Mankad K, Vitobello A, Thomas Q, Mau-Them FT, Faivre L, Martinez-Azorin F, Prada CE, Macaya A, Kullmann DM, Rothman JE, Krishnakumar SS and Houlden H.

    Mutations in the Neuronal Vesicular SNARE VAMP2 Affect Synaptic Membrane Fusion and Impair Human Neurodevelopment.

    AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS . 104(4): 721-730. Nº de cites: 79


  • Arcos-Burgos M, Vélez JI, Martinez AF, Ribasés M, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Sánchez-Mora C, Richarte V, Roncero C, Cormand B, Fernandez-Castillo N, Casas M, Lopera F, Pineda DA, Palacio JD, Acosta-López JE, Cervantes-Henriquez ML, Sánchez-Rojas MG, Puentes-Rozo PJ, Molina BSG, MTA Cooperative Group, Boden MT, Wallis D, Lidbury B, Newman S, Easteal S, Swanson J, Patel H, Volkow N, Acosta MT, Castellanos FX, de Leon J, Mastronardi CA and Muenke M.

    ADGRL3 (LPHN3) variants predict substance use disorder

    TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY . 9(1): 42-42. Nº de cites: 27


  • Demontis D, Walters RK, Martin J, Mattheisen M, Als TD, Agerbo E, Baldursson G, Belliveau R, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Bækvad-Hansen M, Cerrato F, Chambert K, Churchhouse C, Dumont A, Eriksson N, Gandal M, Goldstein JI, Grasby KL, Grove J, Gudmundsson OO, Hansen CS, Hauberg ME, Hollegaard MV, Howrigan DP, Huang H, Maller JB, Martin AR, Martin NG, Moran J, Pallesen J, Palmer DS, Pedersen CB, Pedersen MG, Poterba T, Poulsen JB, Ripke S, Robinson EB, Satterstrom FK, Stefansson H, Stevens C, Turley P, Walters GB, Won H, Wright MJ, ADHD Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC), Early Lifecourse Genetic Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium, 23andMe Research Team, Andreassen OA, Asherson P, Burton CL, Boomsma DI, Cormand B, Dalsgaard S, Franke B, Gelernter J, Geschwind D, Hakonarson H, Haavik J, Kranzler HR, Kuntsi J, Langley K, Lesch KP, Middeldorp C, Reif A, Rohde LA, Roussos P, Schachar R, Sklar P, Sonuga-Barke EJS, Sullivan PF, Thapar A, Tung JY, Waldman ID, Medland SE, Stefansson K, Nordentoft M, Hougaard DM, Werge T, Mors O, Mortensen PB, Daly MJ, Faraone SV, Børglum AD and Neale BM.

    Discovery of the first genome-wide significant risk loci for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

    NATURE GENETICS . 51(1): 63-75. Nº de cites: 1200


  • Franke B, Michelini G, Asherson P, Banaschewski T, Bilbow A, Buitelaar JK, Cormand B, Faraone SV, Ginsberg Y, Haavik J, Kuntsi J, Larsson H, Lesch KP, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Réthelyi JM, Ribases M and Reif A.

    Live fast, die young? A review on the developmental trajectories of ADHD across the lifespan.

    EUROPEAN NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY . 28(10): 1059-1088. Nº de cites: 343


  • Cabana-Domínguez J, Arenas C, Cormand B and Fernandez-Castillo N.

    MiR-9, miR-153 and miR-124 are down-regulated by acute exposure to cocaine in a dopaminergic cell model and may contribute to cocaine dependence.

    TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY . 8(1): 173-173. Nº de cites: 22
