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  • Mesa MD, Loureiro B, Iglesia I, Fernandez Gonzalez S, Llurba Olivé E, García Algar O, Solana MJ, Cabero Perez MJ, Sainz T, Martinez L, Escuder-Vieco D, Parra-Llorca A, Sánchez-Campillo M, Rodriguez Martinez G, Gómez-Roig MD, Perez Gruz M, Andreu-Fernández V, Clotet J, Sailer S, Iglesias-Platas I, López-Herce J, Aras R, Pallás-Alonso C, de Pipaon MS, Vento M, Gormaz M, Larqué Daza E, Calvo C and Cabañas F.

    The Evolving Microbiome from Pregnancy to Early Infancy: A Comprehensive Review

    Nutrients . 12(1): 133. Nº de cites: 94


  • Izquierdo-Renau M, Aldecoa-Bilbao V, Balcells Esponera C, Del Rey Hurtado de Mendoza B, Iriondo-Sanz M and Iglesias-Platas I.

    Applying Methods for Postnatal Growth Assessment in the Clinical Setting: Evaluation in a Longitudinal Cohort of Very Preterm Infants

    Nutrients . 11(11): . Nº de cites: 22


  • Ramis Fernández SM, Alsina-Casanova M, Herranz-Barbero A, Aldecoa-Bilbao V, Borràs-Novell C and Salvia-Roges D.

    Hydrops fetalis caused by congenital syphilis: An ancient disease?

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STD & AIDS . 30(14): 1436-1439. Nº de cites: 2


  • Jose Manuel Vall Torrego, Rodríguez-Fanjul J, Bautista Rodríguez C, Prada F, Caffarena-Calvar JM, Iriondo-Sanz M and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Percutaneous management of pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum and critical pulmonary stenosis

    ANALES DE PEDIATRIA . 91(5): 336-343. Nº de cites: 5


  • Herranz Barbero A, César-Díaz S, Martinez-Osorio J, Margarit A, Moreno-Hernando J, Campuzano O, Iglesias-Platas I, Brugada-Terradellas J and Sarquella-Brugada G.

    Long-term outcome of neonates and infants with permanent junctional reciprocating tachycardia. When cardiac ablation changes natural history

    JOURNAL OF ELECTROCARDIOLOGY . 56: 85-89. Nº de cites: 6


  • Cañizo Vázquez D, Salas García S, Izquierdo-Renau M and Iglesias-Platas I.

    Availability of Donor Milk for Very Preterm Infants Decreased the Risk of Necrotizing Enterocolitis without Adversely Impacting Growth or Rates of Breastfeeding

    Nutrients . 11(8): . Nº de cites: 26


  • Bell JL, Saenz L, Domnina Y, Baust T, Panigrahy A, Bell MJ, Camprubí-Camprubí M and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Acute Neurologic Injury in Children Admitted to the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

    ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY . 107(6): 1831-1837. Nº de cites: 14


  • Batista Muñoz A, Hadley S, Iriondo-Sanz M, Agut-Quijano T and Camprubí-Camprubí M.

    Role of beta-2-microglobulin as a biomarker in very preterm and extremely preterm infants with CNS inflammation

    PLoS One . 14(5): . Nº de cites: 11


  • Del Rey Hurtado de Mendoza B, Esponera CB, Izquierdo-Renau M and Iglesias-Platas I.

    Asymptomatic late thrombocytosis is a common finding in very preterm infants even in the absence of erythropoietin treatment

    JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL RESEARCH . 47(4): 1504-1511. Nº de cites: 3


  • Monteagudo-Sánchez A, Sánchez-Delgado M, Hernandez-Mora JR, Tubío N, Gratacós E, Esteller M, López M, Nunes V, Choux C, Fauque P, Perez-de-Nanclares G, Anton L, Elovitz MA, Iglesias-Platas I and Monk D.

    Differences in expression rather than methylation at placenta-specific imprinted loci is associated with intrauterine growth restriction

    CLINICAL EPIGENETICS . 11: 35-35. Nº de cites: 25
