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  • Cahuana-Bartra, MJ, Mazarico-Gallego E, Cahuana-Bartra, AJ, Pascal-Capdevila R, Alonso-Garcia, L, Targa, J, Muñoz C, Dadvand, P and Gómez-Roig MD.

    Maternal short-term exposure to NO2 during pregnancy and its relationship with Doppler markers of placental function

    ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH . 214: 113813-113813. Nº de cites: 2


  • Boutet ML, Eixarch E, Ahumada-Droguett P, Nakaki A, Crovetto F, Cívico MS, Borrás A, Manau D, Gratacós E, Fàtima Crispi Brillas and Casals G.

    Fetal neurosonography and infant neurobehavior following conception by assisted reproductive technology with fresh or frozen embryo transfer

    ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY . 60(5): 646-656. Nº de cites: 9


  • Gorina N, Ribas-Prats T, Arenillas-Alcón S, Puertollano-Rodríguez M, Gómez-Roig MD and Escera C.

    Neonatal Frequency-Following Responses: A Methodological Framework for Clinical Applications.

    Seminars in Hearing . 43(3): 162-176. Nº de cites: 5


  • Rubio, R, Aguilar, R, Bustamante, M, Muñoz E, Vazquez-Santiago, M, Santano, R, Vidal, M, Melero, NR, Parras, D, Serra, P, Santamaria, P, Carolis, C, Izquierdo, L, Gómez-Roig MD, Dobaño C, Moncunill, G and Mazarico-Gallego E.

    Maternal and neonatal immune response to SARS-CoV-2, IgG transplacental transfer and cytokine profile

    FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY . 13: 999136-999136. Nº de cites: 16


  • Meler E, Martinez-Portilla RJ, Caradeux J, Mazarico-Gallego E, Gil-Armas C, Boada D, Martinez J, Carrillo P, Camacho M and Figueras-Retuerta F.

    Severe smallness as predictor of adverse perinatal outcome in suspected late small-for-gestational-age fetuses: systematic review and meta-analysis

    ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY . 60(3): 328-337. Nº de cites: 9


  • Crovetto F, Selma-Royo M, Fàtima Crispi Brillas, Carbonetto B, Pascal-Capdevila R, Larroya M, Casas I, Tortajada M, Escudero N, Munoz-Almagro C, Gómez-Roig MD, González-Torres P, Collado MC and Gratacós E.

    Nasopharyngeal microbiota profiling of pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 12(1): 13404-13404. Nº de cites: 8


  • Palomo M, Youssef L, Ramos A, Torramade-Moix S, Belen Moreno-Castaño A, Martinez-Sanchez J, Bonastre L, Pino M, Gomez-Ramirez P, Martin L, Mateos EG, Sanchez P, Fernandez S, Crovetto F, Escolar G, Carreras-Bertran E, Castro P, Gratacós E, Fàtima Crispi Brillas and Diaz-Ricart M.

    Differences and similarities in endothelial and angiogenic profiles of preeclampsia and COVID-19 in pregnancy



  • Ronzoni S, Cobo-Cobo T, D'Souza R, Asztalos E, O'Rinn SE, Cao X, Herranz A, Melamed N, Ferrero-Martinez SI, Barrett J, Aldecoa V and Palacio M.

    Individualized treatment of preterm premature rupture of membranes to prolong the latency period, reduce the rate of preterm birth, and improve neonatal outcomes



  • Casas R, Castro-Barquero S, Crovetto F, Larroya M, Ruiz-León AM, Segalés L, Nakaki A, Youssef L, Benitez L, Casanovas-Garriga F, Vieta E, Fàtima Crispi Brillas, Gratacós E and Estruch R.

    Maternal Dietary Inflammatory Index during Pregnancy Is Associated with Perinatal Outcomes: Results from the IMPACT BCN Trial

    Nutrients . 14(11): . Nº de cites: 8


  • Basso A, Youssef L, Nakaki A, Paules C, Miranda J, Casu G, Salazar L, Gratacós E, Eixarch E, Fàtima Crispi Brillas and Crovetto F.

    Fetal neurosonography at 31-35 weeks reveals altered cortical development in pre-eclampsia with and without small-for-gestational-age fetus

    ULTRASOUND IN OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY . 59(6): 737-746. Nº de cites: 15
