Buscador de publicacions


  • Correia Marques M, Rubin D, Shuldiner EG, Datta M, Schmitz E, Gutierrez Cruz G, Patt A, Bennett E, Grom A, Foell D, Gattorno M, Bohnsack J, Yeung RSM, Prahalad S, Mellins E, Anton-Lopez J, Len CA, Oliveira S, Woo P, Ozen S, Deng Z and Ombrello MJ.

    Enrichment of Rare Variants of Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Genes in Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.



  • Baldo F, Erkens RGA, Mizuta M, Rogani G, Lucioni F, Bracaglia C, Foell D, Gattorno M, Jelusic M, Anton-Lopez J, Brogan P, Canna S, Chandrakasan S, Cron RQ, De Benedetti F, Grom A, Heshin-Bekenstein M, Horne A, Khubchandani R, Ozen S, Quartier P, Ravelli A, Shimizu M, Schulert G, Scott C, Sinha R, Ruperto N, Swart JF, Vastert S and Minoia F.

    Current treatment in macrophage activation syndrome worldwide: a systematic literature review to inform the METAPHOR project.

