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  • Norrish G, Ding T, Field E, Cervi E, Ziólkowska L, Olivotto I, Khraiche D, Limongelli G, Anastasakis A, Weintraub R, Biagini E, Ragni L, Prendiville T, Duignan S, McLeod K, Ilina M, Fernandez A, Marrone C, Bökenkamp R, Baban A, Kubus P, Daubeney PEF, Sarquella-Brugada G, César-Díaz S, Klaassen S, Ojala TH, Bhole V, Medrano C, Uzun O, Brown E, Gran F, Sinagra G, Castro FJ, Stuart G, Vignati G, Yamazawa H, Barriales-Villa R, Garcia-Guereta L, Adwani S, Linter K, Bharucha T, Garcia-Pavia P, Siles A, Rasmussen TB, Calcagnino M, Jones CB, De Wilde H, Kubo T, Felice T, Popoiu A, Mogensen J, Mathur S, Centeno F, Reinhardt Z, Schouvey S, O'Mahony C, Omar RZ, Elliott PM and Kaski JP.

    Relationship Between Maximal Left Ventricular Wall Thickness and Sudden Cardiac Death in Childhood Onset Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy



  • Alvarez-Mora MI, Agusti I, Wijngaard R, Martínez-Barrios E, Barcos T, Borras A, Peralta S, Guimera M, Goday A, Manau D and Rodriguez-Revenga L.

    Evaluation of FMR4, FMR5 and FMR6 Expression Levels as Non-Invasive Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Fragile X-Associated Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (FXPOI).

    Journal of Clinical Medicine . 11(8): . Nº de cites: 4


  • Martínez-Barrios E, Arbelo E, César-Díaz S, Cruzalegui JC, Fiol JV, Díez-Escuté N, Hernández-Cera C, Brugada R, Brugada-Terradellas J, Campuzano O and Sarquella-Brugada G.

    Brugada Syndrome in Women: What Do We Know After 30 Years?

    frontiers in cardiovascular medicine . 9: 874992-874992. Nº de cites: 4


  • Cruzalegui JC, César-Díaz S, Campuzano O, Fiol JV, Brugada-Terradellas J and Sarquella-Brugada G.

    Pediatric Left Posteroseptal Accessory Pathway Ablation from Giant Coronary Sinus with Persistent Left Superior Cava

    Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease . 9(4): .


  • Berenguer-Navarro L, Arza-Mendez N, Lopez-Garcia VS, Asensio-Carretero S, Soler-García a and Walter CC.

    Miocarditis aguda, una enfermedad infradiagnosticada

    Revista Pediatría de Atención Primaria . 24(31): 5-6.

  • Cañizo-Vázquez D, Hadley SM, Pérez M, López-Abad M, Valls-Lafon A, Viñals ML, Moscoso BA, Benito-Fernández S, Camprubí-Camprubí M and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Oxidative Stress and Indicators of Brain Damage Following Pediatric Heart Surgery

    ANTIOXIDANTS . 11(3): 489. Nº de cites: 7


  • Behr ER, Scrocco C, Wilde AAM, Marijon E, Crotti L, Iliodromitis KE, Remme CA, Kosiuk J, Rudaka I, Sarquella-Brugada G, Frampton K, Schulze-Bahr E, Jubele K, de Asmundis C, Hofman N, Tfelt-Hansen J, Boveda S and Conte G.

    Investigation on Sudden Unexpected Death in the Young (SUDY) in Europe: results of the European Heart Rhythm Association Survey

    Europace . 24(2): 331-339. Nº de cites: 20


  • Abella L, D'Adamo E, Strozzi M, Sanchez deToledo J, Pérez-Cruz M, Gómez del Rincón O, Abella E, Cassinari M, Guaschino R, Mazzucco L, Maconi A, Testa S, Zanelli C, Perrotta M, Roberta P, Renata NC, Gasparroni G, Vitacolonna E, Chiarelli F and Gazzolo D.

    S100B Maternal Blood Levels in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Are Birthweight, Gender and Delivery Mode Dependent



  • Martínez-Barrios E, Sarquella-Brugada G, Pérez-Serra A, Fernández-Falgueras A, César-Díaz S, Coll M, Puigmulé M, Iglesias A, Alcalde M, Vallverdú-Prats M, Ferrer-Costa C, Del Olmo B, Picó F, López L, Fiol JV, Cruzalegui JC, Hernández-Cera C, Arbelo E, Grassi S, Oliva A, Toro R, Brugada-Terradellas J, Brugada R and Campuzano O.

    Discerning the Ambiguous Role of Missense TTN Variants in Inherited Arrhythmogenic Syndromes

    Journal of Personalized Medicine . 12(2): . Nº de cites: 4


  • Escobar MC, Pérez-Cruz M, Arráez M, Cascant-Vilaplana MM, Albiach-Delgado A, Kuligowski J, Vento M, Masoller-Casas N, Gómez-Roig MD, Gómez O, Sanchez deToledo J and Camprubí-Camprubí M.

    Brain Oxygen Perfusion and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Fetuses with Congenital Heart Disease-A Retrospective, Case-Control Pilot Study

    ANTIOXIDANTS . 11(2): . Nº de cites: 4
