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  • García-García AP, Fortuny-Guasch C, Fumadó V, Jordán-García I, Ruiz-López L, González-Navarro EA, Egri N, Esteve-Solé A, Luo Y, Vlagea A, Manuel Monsonis Cabedo, Launes-Montana C, Soler-García a, Codina-Bergadà A, Juan-Otero M, Pascal-Capdevila R, Deyà-Martinez A and Alsina L.

    Acute and long-term immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in unvaccinated children and young adults with inborn errors of immunity

    FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY . 14: 1084630-1084630. Nº de cites: 2


  • Rodriguez-Fanjul, J, Benet, N, de Lliria, RG, Porta, R, Guinovart, G and Bobillo-Perez S.

    Lung ultrasound protocol decreases radiation in newborn population without side effects: A quality improvement project

    MEDICINA INTENSIVA . 47(1): 16-22. Nº de cites: 3


  • Rossi ML, Escobar MC, Hadley SM, Randanne PC, Sanchez deToledo J and Jordán-García I.

    Echocardiographic Markers of Mild Pulmonary Hypertension are not Correlated with Worse Respiratory Outcomes in Infants with Bronchiolitis

    PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY . 44(1): 237-244.


  • Rossi ML, Hadley SM, Randanne PC, Escobar MC, Camprubí-Camprubí M, Jordán-García I and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Cardiac function in bronchiolitis: Not only a right ventricle matter

    PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY . 58(1): 288-296. Nº de cites: 1


  • Rodriguez-Fanjul J, Benet N, Rodrigo Gonzalo de Lliria C, Porta R, Guinovart G and Bobillo-Perez S.

    Lung ultrasound protocol decreases radiation in newborn population without side effects: A quality improvement project.

    medicina intensiva . 47(1): 16-22.


  • Lorenzo D, Esquerda-Areste M, Palau F, Cambra-Lasaosa FJ and Grup Investigació en Bioética.

    Ethics and Genomic Editing Using the Crispr-Cas9 Technique: Challenges and Conflicts

    NanoEthics . 16(3): 313-321. Nº de cites: 3


  • Agüera M, Melé-Casas M, Molina MM, Pons-Odena M, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, García-García JJ, Launes-Montana C and Monfort L.

    Safety and effectiveness of bubble continuous positive airway pressure as respiratory support for bronchiolitis in a pediatric ward

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS . 181(12): 4039-4047. Nº de cites: 3


  • Mele-Casas M, Launes-Montana C, Fernández de Sevilla-Estrach M, Hernandez-Garcia M, Pons-Tomas G, Bassat Q, Fumadó V, Fortuny-Guasch C, Garcia-Miquel A, Bonet E, Prats C, Ajanovic S, Cubells M, Claverol J, Penela-Sanchez D, Jou-Munoz C, Arias S, Balanza N, Baro B, Millat-Martinez P, Alonso S, Alvarez-Lacalle E, Catala M, Cuadras-Palleja D, Munoz-Almagro C, Gratacós E, Jordán-García I and García-García JJ.

    Low transmission of SARS-CoV-2 derived from children in family clusters: An observational study of family households in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, Spain

    PLoS One . 17(11): . Nº de cites: 3


  • Guitart-Pardellans C, Slöcker-Barrio M, García-Salido M, Belda-Höfheinz S and SARS CoV2 Study Group.




  • Fresán-Ruiz E, Pons-Tomás G, de Carlos-Vicente JC, Bustinza-Arriortua A, Slocker-Barrio M, Belda-Hofheinz S, Nieto-Moro M, Uriona-Tuma SM, Pinós-Tella L, Morteruel-Arizcuren E, Schuffelmann C, Peña-López Y, Bobillo-Perez S, Jordán-García I and On Behalf Of The Pediatric-Envin-Helics Study Group.

    Device Exposure and Patient Risk Factors' Impact on the Healthcare-Associated Infection Rates in PICUs

    CHILDREN-BASEL . 9(11): 1669. Nº de cites: 2
