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  • Febrer-Nafria, M, Nasr, A, Ezati, M, Brown, P, Font-Llagunes JM and McPhee, J.

    Predictive multibody dynamic simulation of human neuromusculoskeletal systems: a review

    MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS . 58: 299-339. Nº de cites: 11


  • Rodríguez-Fernández A, Lobo-Prat J, Tarragó R, Chaverri D, Iglesias X, Guirao-Cano L and Font-Llagunes JM.

    Comparing walking with knee-ankle-foot orthoses and a knee-powered exoskeleton after spinal cord injury: a randomized, crossover clinical trial

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 12(1): 19150-19150. Nº de cites: 5


  • Vega MM, Li G, Shourijeh MS, Ao D, Weinschenk RC, Patten C, Font-Llagunes JM, Lewis VO and Fregly BJ.

    Computational evaluation of psoas muscle influence on walking function following internal hemipelvectomy with reconstruction

    Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology . 10: 855870-855870. Nº de cites: 3


  • de Miguel-Fernández J, Pescatore, C, Mesa-Garrido, A, Rikhof, C, Prinsen, E, Font-Llagunes JM and Lobo-Prat, J.

    Immediate Biomechanical Effects of Providing Adaptive Assistance With an Ankle Exoskeleton in Individuals After Stroke

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters . 7(3): 7574-7580. Nº de cites: 8


  • Cárdenas AM, Uribe J, Font-Llagunes JM, Hernández AM and Plata JA.

    The effect of prosthetic alignment on the stump temperature and ground reaction forces during gait in transfemoral amputees

    GAIT & POSTURE . 95: 76-83. Nº de cites: 5


  • Febrer-Nafría M, Fregly BJ and Font-Llagunes JM.

    Evaluation of Optimal Control Approaches for Predicting Active Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthosis Motion for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury

    FRONTIERS IN NEUROROBOTICS . 15: 748148-748148. Nº de cites: 6


  • Gómez-Pérez C, Martori JC, Puig Diví A, Medina Casanovas J, Vidal Samsó J and Font-Llagunes JM.

    Gait event detection using kinematic data in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy

    CLINICAL BIOMECHANICS . 90: 105492-105492. Nº de cites: 1


  • Smith BW, Lobo-Prat J, Zondervan DK, Lew C, Chan V, Chou C, Toledo S, Reinkensmeyer DJ, Shaw S and Cramer SC.

    Using a bimanual lever-driven wheelchair for arm movement practice early after stroke: A pilot, randomized, controlled, single-blind trial.

    CLIN REHABIL . 35(11): 1577-1589.


  • Koch, Martin Andreas and Font-Llagunes JM.

    Lower-Limb Exosuits for Rehabilitation or Assistance of Human Movement: A Systematic Review

    APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL . 11(18): . Nº de cites: 11


  • Rodríguez-Fernández A, Lobo-Prat J and Font-Llagunes JM.

    Systematic review on wearable lower-limb exoskeletons for gait training in neuromuscular impairments.

