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  • Martinez-Esteve Melnikova A, Pijuan-Marquilles J, Aparicio J, Ramírez-Camacho A, Altisent A, Vilanova-Adell A, Arzimanoglou A, Armstrong-Moron J, Palau F, Hoenicka J and San Antonio-Arce MV.

    The p.Glu787Lys variant in the GRIA3 gene causes developmental and epileptic encephalopathy mimicking structural epilepsy in a female patient

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS . 65(3): 104442-104442. Nº de cites: 2


  • Casas-Alba D, Oliva C, Salgado MDC, Codina-Bergadà A, Agut-Quijano T, García-Alix A, Garcia-Puig M, Garcia-Cazorla A, Taglialatela M, Jou-Munoz C, Artuch-Iriberri R and Fons-Estupina C.

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Ion Analysis in Neonatal Seizures

    PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY . 128: 16-19. Nº de cites: 1


  • Nguyen QTR, Ortigoza-Escobar JD, Burgunder JM, Mariotti C, Saft C, Hjermind LE, Youssov K, Landwehrmeyer GB and Bachoud-Lévi AC.

    Combining Literature Review With a Ground Truth Approach for Diagnosing Huntington's Disease Phenocopy

    FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY . 13: 817753-817753. Nº de cites: 3


  • Soliani L, Martorell-Sampol L, Yubero-Siles D, Verges C, Petit V and Ortigoza-Escobar JD.

    Paroxysmal Non-Kinesigenic Dyskinesia: Utility of the Quantification of GLUT1 in Red Blood Cells

    Movement Disorders Clinical Practice . 9(2): 252-254. Nº de cites: 1


  • Boßelmann CM, San Antonio-Arce MV, Schulze-Bonhage A, Fauser S, Zacher P, Mayer T, Aparicio J, Albers K, Cloppenborg T, Kunz W, Surges R, Syrbe S, Weber Y and Wolking S.

    Genetic testing before epilepsy surgery-An exploratory survey and case collection from German epilepsy centers

    SEIZURE-EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF EPILEPSY . 95: 4-10. Nº de cites: 15


  • Schijns Olaf EMG, Delev D, von Lehe M, van Roost D, Rössler K, Theys T, Auer C, Blauwblomme T, Budke M, Campos AR, Candela-Cantó SA, Seromenho-Santos A and Fountas K.

    Functional hemispheric disconnection procedures for chronic epilepsy: history, indications, techniques, complications and current practice in Europe. A consensus statement on behalf of the EANS functional neurosurgery section

    Brain and Spine . 4: 102754. Nº de cites: 2


  • Moya Quiros V, Adham A, Convers P, Lesca G, Mauguiere F, Soulier H, Arzimanoglou A, Bayat A, Braakman H, Camdessanche JP, Casenave P, Chaton L, Chaix Y, Chochoi M, Depienne C, Desportes V, De Ridder J, Dinkelacker V, Gardella E, Kluger GJ, Jung J, Lemesle Martin M, Mancardi MM, Mueller M, Poulat AL, Platzer K, Roubertie A, Stokman MF, Vulto-van Silfhout AT, Wiegand G and Mazzola L.

    Electro-Clinical Features and Functional Connectivity Analysis in SYN1-Related Epilepsy.



  • Hinojosa J, Becerra V, Candela-Cantó SA, Alamar AM, Culebras D, Valencia C, Carlos Valera Dávila, Rumiá J, Muchart-Lopez J and Aparicio J.

    Extra-temporal pediatric low-grade gliomas and epilepsy.

