Buscador de publicacions


  • Laporta O, Ballester J, Leiva D, Ribas T, Miralbell J, Torroja-Nualart C, Russi ME, Toro-Tamargo E, Meléndez-Plumed M, Gimeno F, Macaya A and Pueyo R.

    Executive function and general intellectual functioning in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: Comparison with spastic cerebral palsy and typically developing controls

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY . 23(4): 546-559. Nº de cites: 13


  • Caldú X, Ottino-González J, Sánchez-Garre C, Hernan I, Tor E, Sender-Palacios MJ, Dreher JC, Garolera M and Jurado MA.

    Effect of the catechol-O-methyltransferase Val (158) Met polymorphism on theory of mind in obesity.

    EUROPEAN EATING DISORDERS REVIEW . 27(4): 401-409. Nº de cites: 5


  • Sans A, Solerdelcoll A, Boix Lluch C, Serra-Amaya C, Serra-Grabulosa JM and Caldú X.

    Trastorno del espectro alcohólico fetal. Un trastorno del neurodesarrollo infradiagnosticado y de pronóstico incierto.

    MEDICINA-BUENOS AIRES . 79(Suppl 1): 62-67. Nº de cites: 2

  • Ottino-González J, Jurado MA, García-García I, Segura B, Marqués-Iturria I, Sender-Palacios MJ, Tor E, Prats-Soteras X, Caldú X, Junqué C, Pasternak O and Garolera M.

    Allostatic load and disordered white matter microstructure in overweight adults.

    SCIENTIFIC REPORTS . 8(1): 15898-15898. Nº de cites: 12


  • Laporta-Hoyos O, Fiori S, Pannek K, Ballester J, Leiva D, Reid LB, Pagnozzi AM, Vázquez E, Delgado I, Macaya I, Pueyo R and Boyd RN.

    Brain lesion scores obtained using a simple semi-quantitative scale from MR imaging are associated with motor function, communication and cognition in dyskinetic cerebral palsy.

    NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL . 19: 892-900. Nº de cites: 13


  • Ballester J, Laporta O, Macaya A, Poo P, Meléndez-Plumed M, Toro-Tamargo E, Gimeno F, Narberhaus A, Segarra D and Pueyo R.

    Cognitive functioning in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: Its relation to motor function, communication and epilepsy.

    EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PAEDIATRIC NEUROLOGY . 22(1): 102-112. Nº de cites: 24


  • Ottino-González J, Jurado MA, García-García I, Segura B, Marqués-Iturria I, Sender-Palacios MJ, Tor E, Prats-Soteras X, Caldú X, Junqué C and Garolera M.

    Allostatic Load Is Linked to Cortical Thickness Changes Depending on Body-Weight Status.

    FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE . 11: 639-639. Nº de cites: 21


  • Ballester J, Schmidt R, Laporta-Hoyos O, Junqué C, Vázquez É, Delgado I, Zubiaurre-Elorza L, Macaya A, Poo P, Toro E, de Reus MA, van den Heuvel MP and Pueyo R.

    Whole-brain structural connectivity in dyskinetic cerebral palsy and its association with motor and cognitive function.

    HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING . 38(9): 4594-4612. Nº de cites: 23


  • Skrobot OA, O'Brien J, Black S, Chen C, DeCarli C, Erkinjuntti T, Ford GA, Kalaria RN, Pantoni L, Pasquier F, Roman GC, Wallin A, Sachdev P, Skoog I, VICCCS group, Ben-Shlomo Y, Passmore AP, Love S and Kehoe PG.

    The Vascular Impairment of Cognition Classification Consensus Study.

    ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA . 13(6): 624-633. Nº de cites: 122


  • Laporta-Hoyos O, Pannek K, Ballester J, Reid LB, Vázquez É, Delgado I, Zubiaurre-Elorza L, Macaya A, Poo P, Meléndez-Plumed M, Junqué C, Boyd R and Pueyo R.

    White matter integrity in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: Relationship with intelligence quotient and executive function.

    NEUROIMAGE-CLINICAL . 15: 789-800. Nº de cites: 22
